Help Shape the Next 100 Years of Camp with our Second Century Fund Drive   

BB360’s Second Century Fund Drive is an investment in the future of our beloved camp, ensuring that it remains a vital resource in our community for years to come. Building upon the achievements of the $14 million Second Century capital campaign, this fund allows BB360 to adapt and thrive in response to the evolving needs of our dynamic community.

By donating to the Second Century Fund, you support the ongoing development of our picturesque lakeside campus, the upkeep of our facilities, and strategic program investments that optimize the use of our campus to benefit campers.

For those who generously donate $10,000 or more, pledge options are available over a period of up to five years, with opportunities to designate your investment to specific areas of BB360’s second century.

Gratitude to Our Esteemed Donors

A heartfelt thank you to our Century Circle, Flag Circle, and Friendship Circle supporters, whose contributions have surpassed $14 million. Take a moment to review the campaign donor list, and you’ll discover true heroes, each playing a historic role in shaping the next 100 years of BB360.

With the support of our dedicated BB360 staff, the Second Century Campaign has thrived every step of the way. Their hard work and dedication have been instrumental in ensuring the success of this initiative.

BB360 has never been more inclusive, comfortable, and fun, and we take pride in passing on this incredible legacy to the next generation of campers. Together, we are creating an extraordinary legacy for generations of campers to come through the BB360 Second Century Fund. Thank you for being a part of this remarkable journey.

Projects Completed



Aquatics Center/Amphitheater

Northside Cabins

Southside Cabins


Lakeside Lodge

Health Center

Dining Hall

Remaining Projects

Performing Arts Center Dining Hall Extension

Day Camp Facility and Staff Housing

Heritage Cabin Museum